Year: 2019

The European Master in Lexicography (EMLex) proudly presents the EMLex summer school 2020 at our partner university in Santiago de Compostela. We offer different high-quality courses in the field of lexicography for all interested persons. We are looking forward to your application!

Category: Allgemein

Also at Roma Tre University, the EMLex organized several Dictionary Day events on several days with very interesting presentations, workshops and lectures: Exciting!      

Category: Allgemein

Dictionary Day at the Université de Lorraine: unfortunately, due to the French train strike, Henri Béjoint was not able to participate in the event. Thus the whole day was dedicated to the compilation of an article of the Dictionnaire Étymologique Roman (DÉRom): a hard task, but a very rewarding one...

Category: Allgemein

On December 11, also at the philological faculty of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela will be a Dictionary Day 2019. Our students will present their research results and have scientific exchange researchers and teachers in this field. We are so excited!

Category: Allgemein