
At the turn of the year, the specialized dictionary „Grammatik. Formenlehre〞 („Grammar. Morphology〞) from the series „Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft〞 („Dictionaries of Linguistics and Communication Science〞), founded by Herbert Ernst Wiegand and Stefan J. Schierholz, was pub...

Category: Aktuelles, Allgemein, Latest, startseite

On Monday morning, 6 December 2021, on the occasion of the scientific day "Dictionary Day" organized by EMLEX Master, we have welcomed Professor Vincent RENNER from Lyon 2 University, whom Pr Fiammetta Namer has invited for a presentation entitled "Lexical blending and the OED". The talk announcemen...

Category: Allgemein

On Sunday, November 14 2021, Deborah, Nargiz, and Yuliia from the Carolina Michaëlis class and Félix, Keti, and Yaya Fahim from the Herbert Ernst Wiegand class, accompanied by Abir Lettifi (student manager) have participated, with students from the Language Science Master and the NLP Master, in a Ra...

Category: Allgemein