
Currently, there are four job advertisements at the Institute for the German Language ("Institut für Deutsche Sprache"). This may be a great opportunity for our graduates to apply the skills and abilities they have acquired in EMLex at the most renowned research institute concerning the German langu...

Category: Aktuelles, Allgemein, Latest, startseite

This morning, on 10.11.21, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) announced the funding of Prof. Dr. Stefan Schierholz's research project "Zur Theorie des lexikographischen Prozesses. Funktionen und Aufgaben des professionellen Lexikographen" (On the theory of the lexicogra...

Category: Aktuelles, Allgemein, Latest, startseite

The 3rd of November was dedicated to D-Day IV. Our EMLex students and alumni from Károli Gáspár University with Dr. Hollós visited the Research Institute for Linguistics of Hungarian Academy of Sciences. They got the chance to learn ins and outs about creating a comprehensive Hungarian dictionary an...

Category: Aktuelles, Allgemein, Latest, startseite

Last week the first big EMLex get together since almost 2 years took place in Rome. Starting with a first directors’ dinner on Tuesday and the EMLex concortium meeting on Wednesday, the event continued on Thursday with a workshop for the EMLex students of the María Moliner and Herbert Ernst Wiegand ...

Category: Allgemein

On 19 October, the welcome dinner for the winter semester students at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg took place. New and experienced students met with Prof. Dr. Schierholz's Erlangen EMLex organising team and enjoyed a relaxed dinner together in the rustic Erlangen restaurant ...

Category: Aktuelles, Allgemein, Latest, startseite