
EMLex student José Carlos (FAU, Erlangen) and EMLex graduate Manon (UL, Nancy) are currently completing an internship at the ATILF lab (CNRS/Université de Lorraine), where they are compiling the articles */ˈlʊp-u/ m.n. ‘wolf’ (Manon) and */ˈsɛrβ-u/ m.n. ‘serf’ (José Carlos) of the Dictionnaire Étymo...

Category: Allgemein

Sonia Kropiowska of the Igor Mel‘čuk‘s class who was enrolled at the Universidade do Minho, Braga Portugal completed her two-year EMLex program successfully and finally defended her Masters Dissertation on Wednesday the 28. 01. 20. Sonia was an active member of the EMLex promotion committee before ...

Category: Allgemein

On 3-7 August 2020, the Mittellateinisches Wörterbuch (Munich) organizes its Medieval Latin Lexicography Summer School. EMLex students and graduates welcome! The program involves three types of activities: First, seminar-type exercises address Medieval Latin lexicography, the sources, methods and...

Category: Allgemein

Take part in this EMLex activity! The imaginary dictionary: in this activity we invite you to contribute a dictionary entry to an imaginary or invented word in any language. In addition to the headword and the definition, the entry can contain grammatical and usage information, etymological notes, ...

Category: Allgemein