
The EMLex lecturer Éva Buchi from Nancy published an article on lexicography in cooperation with the former EMLex students  Bianca Mertens and Carmen González Martín and a former linguistics student in the French journal „Le français moderne“.

Category: Allgemein

The EMLex programme is advertised through to posters at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, which can be downloaded in pdf format here.   Poster 1 Poster 2

Category: Allgemein

Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Herbert Ernst Wiegand, who can also bee seen as the „Karajan“ of lexicography and dictionary research, turned 80 years old on Jan 8th, 2016. Stefan Schierholz, the germanist and dictioary researcher, organized an international workshop to honour him, on Feb. 5th, 2016 at...

Category: Allgemein

In 2015, EMLex was selected as one of 15 new Erasmus Mundus programmes funded by the EU. Starting with winter semester 2016/17 we can offer 15 full scholarships per year to students worldwide. Further information on our website here!

Category: Allgemein